Thursday, July 19, 2012


This form of Iconoclasm art was created by Michael Arad, Peter Walker, and it was called World Trade Memorial. This piece of art was created in September 11, 2011. Ten years after the tragic destruction of the world trade centers. The reasoning behind me choosing this image and topic is because the terrorist attackers did not agree with this countries ways of politics and ways of thinking. So instead of voicing an opinion they decided to hurt and kill many innocent civilians. Defacing our country and our values. And today instead of having 2 twin towers we have a memorial in the honor of the people that died because of this horrific event.


This form of icon art was created by Brueghel Pieter , and it was called Painting. Adoration of the Magi. This piece of art was created in 1564. You could have read a novel on the description of this picture and still could not even come close to the powerful message you get the first time you view this. As anyone in the Christian religion can attest to a picture can say a million words. This represents the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus Christ in her arms. And because she had him being a virgin everyone was interested in seeing and viewing the miracle. And kneeling to the ground because of the religious implications.

Non representational

This form of non representational art was created by Kazimir Malevich, and it was called Suprematist Composition: Airplane Flying. This piece of art was created in 1915. This is non representational at its finest to you and I these are just shapes, no meaning behind it or anything but if you look deeper as the title suggest its actually an airplane flying. The largest green square being the base. Its something that you don’t see, but when you do you think how did I ever miss that.


This form of Abstract art was created by Sesshu Toyo, and it was called Landscape in the Style of Yu-Chien. The creation date was not stated but the artist lived from 1420 to 1506 so it was in between those time periods. The artist created a image of what you might take as a tree, which would fit the abstract category until you look around? Then you realize there’s nothing else just a tree where in the real world you would see more of a surrounding patch of grass and soil even possibly another tree or too. Rarely do you ever see a stand alone tree for as far as the eyes could see.

Reprentational Art

This form of representational art was created by Albert Bierstadt, and it was called Nassau Harbor. And was created in 1877 As defined by Henry Sayre in the A World Of Art, representational art is, any work of art that seeks to resemble the world of natural appearance. By that definition this piece of art hits it right on the nose. This is as real as it get men are pushing the boats into deeper water, realistically most people use boats when its clear blue sky’s. Everything is displayed in a simple and recognizable form. There’s even everyone’s respective countries flag flying on each boat expressing an even more real feel to this painting.

Form V. Content

This piece of Art was created by Beatriz Milhazes, and was called My Baby. It was created in the year 2000. As stated on page 31, “she pulls together into geometrical composition the shapes and forms of Brazilian culture.” She also states that “she is interested in color, and when you add one more color conflict is created.” And states that “there is constant movement to your eyes, to your self, to your body and like it.” Which is something you need to understand to connect with the artist and her work. It can be overwhelming and you wont understand why she uses the colors and shapes she uses. And the tradition she invokes in her work, expressing her Brazilian heritage in all her work. So in this painting the form is simply the shapes and colors. But deeper than that the content is why she used the colors and shaped that she did to express herself.